Better-off patients should be allowed to pay for extra services
that the NHS (National Health Service – tax-funded health insurer in
the United Kingdom) can’t afford... The debates that once raged about
switching to a different (than the tax-based) model (of health
insurance) have abated: the principle of tax funding for most services
seems entrenched. David Cameron’s Conservatives accept it... (On the
other hand, Tony Blair‘s) government... set about introducing choice for
patients and competition among hospitals. Whoever is in power, in the
long term the NHS is probably on the way to becoming a state-funded
market rather than a creaking monopoly.
Zdroj: The Economist July 5th, Bagehot, The shock of the old
Názov zdravotnej poisťovne |
Hospodársky výsledok za rok 2007 |
Dôvera |
Apollo |
Spoločná zdravotná poisťovňa |
Union |
Európska zdravotná poisťovňa |
Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa |
Zdroj: 8.7.2008, Zdravotné poisťovne zarobili takmer miliardu
Poznámka INEKO: Rok 2007 je posledným rokom, keď o použití zisku
rozhodujú akcionári. Od roku 2008 budú musieť poisťovne použiť zisk na
poskytovanie zdravotnej starostlivosti.